You will be able to purchase DUCKDUCKDOGE INU with BNB. You are available to participate on both mobile devices and desktop.
1 - CREATE A WALLET Create MetaMask/Trust Wallet. They are available on AppStore and Google Play. If you are on a desktop, we would recommend downloading MetaMask Google Chrome addon. Make sure to save your private keys in a secure place. 2 - Purchase Binance Coin (BNB). It's available on most exchanges, such as Binance. Once you purchase the desired amount,deposit it into your MetaMask/Trust Wallet. Make sure to enter the correct address and choose the correct network. 3 - DUCKY DOGE INU Contract Address : Make sure your MetaMask Wallet or TrustWallet Is synced with PancakeSwap. Set the amount of Dogemoon you would like to purchase, set the slippage to 5% or more and press Swap!
Enjoy your trip to the moon with DUCKY DOGE INU!
Last updated